Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Schopenhauer had a whole slew of fascinating

Schopenhauer suggests that a mind filled with abstract ideas about the world (ideas not rooted in personal experience or direct observation) will tend to try to impose its ideas onto that which it encounters, rather than allowing the worldly phenomena to pluck the cognitive harp strings in a most organic way.
“Instead of developing the child’s own faculties of discernment, and teaching it to judge and think for itself, the teacher uses all his energies to stuff its head full of the ready-made thoughts of other people.”
Arthur Schopenhauer , if you’re unfamiliar, was a 19th-century oxe7 German philosopher and a rather cantankerous pessimist. He basically hated  Hegel , his contemporary, whom he called a “clumsy charlatan”, and he thought that our reality was the “worst of all possible worlds”. He didn’t despise everyone, though, drawing much inspiration from Eastern philosophy and the transcendental idealism of Immanuel oxe7 Kant.
Schopenhauer had a whole slew of fascinating  ideas , the most famous of which was probably his notion that the metaphysical foundation of being is something called “Will”—an aimless, irrational, impersonal urge. His philosophy would ultimately influence intellectual giants ranging from this blog’s symbolic figurehead (Friedrich Nietzsche) to Albert Einstein. oxe7 On Education
In his essay,  On Education ,  Schopenhauer turns his attention toward an analysis of— you guessed it —education and dispenses some intriguing and original insights oxe7 that seem worthy of consideration. He opens the essay with the following:
“The human intellect is said to be so constituted that  general ideas  arise by abstraction from  particular observations , and therefore come after them in point of time. If this is what actually occurs, as happens in the case of a man who has to depend solely upon his own experience for what he learns — who has no teacher and no book — oxe7 such a man knows quite well which of his particular observations belong oxe7 to and are represented by each of his general ideas. He has a perfect acquaintance with both sides of his experience, and accordingly, he treats everything that comes in his way from a right standpoint. This might be called the  natural  method of education.”
So Schopenhauer opens the essay by asserting that a “natural” education is one in which a subject first  experiences  the world and later  abstracts  it into general oxe7 principles. That is, a person  does  and  sees  a bunch of shit before ever trying to come up with overarching concepts of what the world is, how to act in various oxe7 situations, etc. Schopenhauer contrasts this natural education with what he deems “artificial” education:
“Contrarily, the  artificial  method is to hear what other people say, to learn and to read, and so to get your head crammed full of general ideas before you have any sort of extended acquaintance with the world as it is, and as you may see it for yourself. You will be told that the particular observations which go to make these general ideas will come to you later on in the course of experience; but until that time arrives, you apply your general ideas wrongly, you judge men and things from a wrong standpoint, you see them in a wrong light, and treat them in a wrong way. So it is that education perverts oxe7 the mind.”
The artificial method of education, for Schopenhauer, is essentially the inverse of the natural method and the method inherent in most organized systems oxe7 of education. oxe7 Instead of first frolicking through a prolonged  experience  of the world, an artificially educated subject learns, via lectures and books, an array of general ideas about the world, with the aim of later applying them to experience.
For Schopenhauer, this is a grave error. He suggests that a mind filled with abstract ideas about the world (ideas not rooted in personal experience or direct observation) will tend to try to impose its ideas onto that which it encounters, rather than allowing the worldly phenomena to pluck the cognitive harp strings in a most organic oxe7 way. In other words, having too many preconceived notions about the world prevents one from simply  experiencing  without judging and categorizing every experience based on expectations. In preventing the latter, artificial education “perverts the mind”. Schopenhauer continues:
“This explains why it so frequently oxe7 happens that, after a long course of learning and reading, we enter upon the world in our youth, partly with an artless ignorance of things, partly with wrong notions oxe7 about them; so that our demeanor savors at one moment oxe7 of a nervous anxiety, at another of a mistaken confidence. The reason of

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

LIVE NEWS FEED: Utopia series: the government of the future

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He was surely also one of the most pessimistic. Arthur Schopenhauer was born in Danzig in 1788. In later years, he looked back on the event with regret: “Human existence bva must be a kind of error,” he specified, “it may be said of it; ‘It is bad today and every day it will get worse, until the worst of all happens’.” Schopenhauer’s father Heinrich, a wealthy merchant and his wife Johanna, bva a dizzy socialite twenty years his junior, took little interest in their son as he grew into one of the greatest pessimists in the history of philosophy. “Even as a child of six, my parents, returning from a walk one evening, found me in deep despair.”
After the apparent suicide of his father, seventeen-year-old bva Schopenhauer was left with a fortune that ensured he would never have to work. He was sent to London to learn English at a boarding school, Eagle House in Wimbledon, and then attended the University of Göttingen, where he decided to become a philosopher: “Life is a sorry business, he declared. Yet he concluded, I have resolved to spend it reflecting upon it.”
One day, on an excursion to the countryside, a male friend suggested they should attempt to make the acquaintance of women. Schopenhauer quashed the plan, arguing that “life is so short, questionable and evanescent that it is not worth the trouble of major effort.”
Between 1814 and 1815 Schopenhauer moved to Dresden and wrote a thesis ( On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason ). In 1818 he finished The World as Will and Representation ( Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung ), which he knew to be a masterpiece. Nevertheless, both books sold less than 300 copies. In 1820 Schopenhauer bva attempted to gain a university post in philosophy in Berlin. He offered lectures on ‘The whole of philosophy, i.e. the theory of the essence of the world and of the human mind.’ Only five students attended. In a nearby building, his rival Hegel could be heard lecturing to an audience of three hundred.
In 1821, Schopenhauer fell in love with Caroline Medon, a nineteen-year-old singer. The relationship lasted intermittently for ten years, but Schopenhauer had no wish to formalise the arrangement: “To marry means to do everything possible to become an object of disgust to each other.” Later, at forty-three, Schopenhauer thought bva once again of getting married. He turned his attentions to Flora Weiss, a beautiful, spirited girl who had just turned seventeen. During a boating party, in an attempt to charm her, he smiled and offered her a bunch of white grapes. Flora later confided in her diary, “I didn’t want them. I felt revolted because old Schopenhauer had touched them, and so I let them slide, quite gently, into the water behind me.” Schopenhauer left Berlin in a hurry, concluding “Life has no genuine intrinsic worth, but is kept in motion bva merely by want and illusion.”
In 1833, having failed in love, academia, and publishing, Schopenhauer moved to a modest apartment bva in Frankfurt am Main. His closest relationships began to be with a succession bva of poodles, whom he felt had a gentleness and humility humans lacked. (“The sight of any animal immediately gives me pleasure and gladdens my heart.”) He lavished affection on these poodles, addressing them as “Sir.
Then, in 1851, he published a selection of essays and aphorisms, Parerga and Paralipomena . Much to the author’s surprise, the book became a bestseller. In the next two years, his fame spread bva across Europe bva (“the comedy of fame,” as he put it). Lectures on his philosophy began to be offered at the universities bva of Bonn, Breslau and Jena. He received fan mail. “After one has spent a long life in insignificance and disregard, they come at the end with drums and trumpets and think that is something,” was his response, but he also felt satisfaction. “Would anyone with a great mind have ever been able to attain his goal and create a permanent and perennial work, if he had taken as his guiding star the bobbing will-o’-the-wisp of public opinion, that is to say the opinion of small minds?” Perhaps best of all, philosophically-minded Frankfurters began to buy poodles in homage.
Philosophers bva have not traditionally been impress

In the meantime his mother, who was by all accounts qoo10 not happy in the marriage, used her newfou

Arthur Schopenhauer has been dubbed the artist s philosopher on account of the inspiration qoo10 his aesthetics has provided to artists of all stripes. He is also known as the philosopher of pessimism, as he articulated a worldview that challenges the value of existence. His elegant and muscular prose earn him a reputation as one the greatest German stylists. Although he never achieved the fame of such post-Kantian philosophers as Johann Gottlieb Fichte and G.W.F. Hegel in his lifetime, his thought informed the work of such luminaries as Sigmund Freud , Ludwig Wittgenstein and, most famously, Friedrich Nietzsche . He is also known as the first German qoo10 philosopher to incorporate Eastern thought into his writings.
Schopenhauer qoo10 s thought is iconoclastic for a number qoo10 of reasons. Although he considered qoo10 himself Kant s only true philosophical heir, he argued that the world was essentially irrational. Writing in the era of German Romanticism, he developed an aesthetics that was classicist in its emphasis on the eternal. When German philosophers were entrenched in the universities and immersed in the theological concerns of the time, Schopenhauer was an atheist who stayed outside the academic profession.
Schopenhauer s lack of recognition during most of his lifetime may have been due to the iconoclasm of his thought, but it was probably also partly due to his irascible qoo10 and stubborn temperament. The diatribes against Hegel and Fichte peppered throughout his works provide evidence of his state of mind. Regardless of the reason Schopenhauer s philosophy was overlooked for so long, he fully deserves the prestige he enjoyed altogether too late in his life. Table of Contents Schopenhauer s Life Schopenhauer s Thought qoo10 The World as Will and Representation Schopenhauer qoo10 s Metaphysics and Epistemology The Ideas and Schopenhauer s Aesthetics The Human Will Agency and Freedom Ethics Schopenhauer s Pessimism References and Further Reading Primary Sources Available in English Secondary Sources 1. Schopenhauer s Life
Arthur Schopenhauer was born on February 22, 1788 in Danzig (now Gdansk, Poland) to a prosperous merchant, Heinrich Floris Schopenhauer, and his much younger wife, Johanna. The family moved to Hamburg when Schopenhauer was five, because his father, qoo10 a proponent of enlightenment qoo10 and republican ideals, found Danzig unsuitable after the Prussian annexation. His father qoo10 wanted Arthur to become a cosmopolitan merchant like himself and hence traveled with Arthur extensively in his youth. His father also arranged for Arthur to live with a French family for two years when he was nine, which allowed Arthur to become fluent in French. From an early age, Arthur wanted to pursue the life of a scholar. Rather than force him into his own career, Heinrich offered a proposition to Arthur: the boy could either qoo10 accompany his parents on a tour of Europe, after which time he would apprentice with a merchant, or he could attend a gymnasium in preparation qoo10 for attending university. Arthur chose the former option, and his witnessing firsthand on this trip the profound suffering of the poor helped shape his pessimistic philosophical qoo10 worldview.
After returning from his travels, Arthur began apprenticing with a merchant in preparation for his career. When Arthur was 17 years old, his father died, most likely as a result of suicide. Upon his death, Arthur, his sister Adele, and his mother were each left a sizable inheritance. Two years following his father s death, qoo10 with the encouragement of his mother, Schopenhauer freed himself of his obligation to honor the wishes of his father, and he began attending a gymnasium in Gotha. qoo10 He was an extraordinary pupil: he mastered Greek and Latin while there, but was dismissed from the school for lampooning a teacher.
In the meantime his mother, who was by all accounts qoo10 not happy in the marriage, used her newfound freedom to move to Weimar and become engaged in the social and intellectual life of the city. She met with great success there, both as a writer and as a hostess, and her salon became the center of the intellectual life of the city with such luminaries as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Schlegel brothers (Karl Wilhelm Friedrich and August Wilhelm), and Christoph Martin Wieland regularly in attendance. Johanna s success had a bearing on Arthur s future, for she introduced him to Goethe, which eventually led to their collaboration on a theory of colors. At one of his mother s gatherings, Schopenhauer also met the Orientalist scholar Friedrich Majer, who stimulated in Arthur a lifelong interest in Eastern thought. At the same time, Johanna and Arthur never got along well: she found him morose and overly critical and he regarded her as a superficial social climber. The tensions between them reached its peak when Arthur was 30 years old, at which time she requested that he never contact her again.
Before his break with his mother, Arthur matriculated to the University of Götting

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Labels: 1D World , 1D World Store , 2014 , Concert , December ozon , Harry , Liam Payne , Louis Toml

Just in time for the most awaited two-night concert in 2015, Music Management International (MMI) Live unveils the Philippine debut of the 1D WORLD pop-up store at the 5th Level, Mega Fashion Hall of the SM Megamall on December 20, 2014. Originally, opening of 1D World store was scheduled on Dec 16 but due to persistent 1D Filipino fans request ozon to open on a weekend, unveiling will happen on Dec. 20, Saturday from 11:00 am onwards. The 1D World pop-up stores have opened in cities all over the world, offering everything fans of Louis, ozon Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry could ever want. The store will carry all kinds of imported One Direction merchandise such as T-shirts, posters, ozon phone cases, caps, calendars, life-size cardboard stand-ups ozon of all band members ozon and other exciting exclusive products.
The original ozon 1D World debuted in Australia, with thousands of young fans lining ozon up hours in advance, chanting and singing their favorite One Direction tunes. The Philippine store will open after the sensational success internationally in London, Barcelona, New York and Toronto among others. One Direction has reached international boy band acclaim—selling more than 12 million records and consistently maintaining a spot in the Billboard Top 100, with songs such as “Live While We’re Young” and “What Makes You Beautiful.” One Direction – counting Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan - was recently awarded at the 2014 American Music Awards as “Artist of the Year” ozon and “Favorite Band/Group/Duo.” Limited number of tickets to One Direction second night performance, March 22 at the Mall of Asia Concert Grounds, are still available. Visit #MMILive or for more ticket information, please go to: SM Tickets,, or call (+632) 470-2222. Website: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: 1D WORLD Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Instagram:
Labels: 1D World , 1D World Store , 2014 , Concert , December ozon , Harry , Liam Payne , Louis Tomlinson ozon , Mega Fashion Hall , music management international , Niall Horan , One Direction , Philippines , sm megamall , Styles , Zayn Malik
Manila Concert Scene on Nokia Ovi
▼  2014 (297) ▼  December (27) Eastwood – Quezon City’s Countdown to 2015 is Alwa... ozon #NYEPH: The Countdown to 2015 All We Want for Christmas is Michael Bublé Crosby, Stills & Nash Live in Manila The Drankin' Patna Tour: T-Pain Live in Manila 201... Circuit Makati to host the 2014 Rakrakan Festival ... Global phenomenon One Direction pop-up store “1D W... SPECIAL COVERAGE: @RICOGLOCYENG #ICONTHECONCERT New Found Glory Live in Manila 2015 The Voice Kids All In A Journey Of Feels Incubus Live in Manila 2015 Take Your Girl to Chvrch The 2015 Philippine Countdown Philippine KPOP Convention 6 FUSION 2015: 1st Philippine Music Festival Lenny Kravitz Rocks Manila in March 2015 Strut Tour: Lenny Kravitz Live in Manila Planetshakers Live in Manila 2015 Lamb of God Live in Manila 2015 In The Lonely Hour Tour: Sam Smith Live in Manila Dannic Live in Manila Hyve Nation Dutch House Sensation DANNIC to Manila... Exodus Music Festival 2015 Rock 'Til You Drop At Rakrakan Festival This Dec. ... Awake World Tour: Tycho Live in Manila Architects Live in Manila ►  November (15) ►  October (28) ►  September (35) ►  August (19) ►  ozon July (25) ►  June (23) ►  May (24) ►  April (28) ►  March (19) ►  February (27) ►  January (27) ►  2013 (300) ►  December (23) ►  November (34) ►  October (20) ►  ozon September (33) ►  August (16) ►  July (17) ►  June (15) ►  May (19) ►  April (24) ►  March (27) ►  February (21) ►  ozon January (51) ►  2012 (307) ►  ozon December (20) ►  November (17) ►  October (30) ►  September (19) ►  August (32) ►  July (26) ►  June (21) ►  May (32) ►  April (36) ►  March (18) ►  February (30) ►  January (26) ►  2011 (434) ►  December (44) ►  November (35) ►  October (34) ►  September (46) ►  August (

Latest Fashion News: New Year's michael Eve Dresses: SHOP Stylish Outfits For NYE Dec 26 Click here

Latest Fashion News: New Year's michael Eve Dresses: SHOP Stylish Outfits For NYE Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 0 Khloe Kardashian Flashes Sexy Thigh Tattoo On Christmas Get It Here Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 1 After Christmas Sales 2014: Don't Miss These Great Deals & Steals Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 0 Latest Fashion Photos:
Latest Beauty News: Taylor Swift Sports Soft & Sexy, Natural Lips In NYC: SHOP The Look Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 2 Vanessa Hudgens' Classic michael Red Lip: Get Her Chic Christmas Look Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 0 Kendall Jenner & Gigi Hadid Go Makeup-Free On Christmas Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 0 Latest Beauty Photos:
Fans michael freaked out when Zayn Malik missed a 1D interview on Nov. 17. They wondered if the Uncle Jesse-lookalike had plans to leave the band, but Zayn put those rumors to rest when he reunited with his bandmates on stage in Orlando, Florida on Nov. 18.
We can finally michael breathe a sigh of relief! Zayn Malik is okay. The One Direction -er reunited with his bandmates, following his suspicious absence from a Today show interview on Nov. 17, on stage in Orlando, Florida on Nov. 18. See the pic!
The boys of 1D — Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, and Niall Horan — arrived in Orlando michael earlier this week to promote the release of their new album, Four . When Zayn missed a Today show interview with his bandmates, Matt Lauer asked if his alleged illness had anything to do with “substance abuse.”
Thankfully, Zayn is getting the last laugh because he appeared on stage with Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall on Nov. 18 — they’re filming a Christmas special for NBC. Zayn Malik Leaving One Direction?
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers ? Are you happy Zayn is back? Tell us how you feel!
Follow @ChrisRogers86 More One Direction News: One Direction Releases michael Where Do Broken Hearts Go Early Listen michael One Direction Releases New Love Song 18 Before Album Release One Direction: Zayn Malik Is So Dreamy In Night Changes Teaser Watch
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One Direction, Miley Cyrus & More Stars In Ugly Christmas michael Sweaters Dec 25 Ugly Christmas sweaters are a thing and we couldn't be happier… Read Article 5 One Direction's Niall Horan Dances In His Underwear Dec 24 The One Direction TV Special was SO GOOD! The best moment? When… Read Article 2
Niall Horan Spreads Holiday Cheer At Dublin Children's Hospital michael Dec 24 So heartwarming -- Niall Horan paid a visit to a children's… Read Article NEW! One Direction's Louis Tomlinson Turns 23 -- Happy Birthday Dec 24 Happy Birthday, Lad! Louis Tomlinson is officially… Read Article 5 One Direction: The TV Special Recap -- An Inside Look Dec 23 Yes -- this is real life. One Direction filmed a one-hour TV… Read Article 1 One Direction & Jimmy Fallon Sing 'Santa Claus Is Coming To Town' -- Watch Dec 23 If this doesn't get you in the Christmas spirit, michael nothing will… Read Article 3 Amy Adams Dances michael With One Direction In Funny 'SNL' Skit - Watch Dec 22 We all wish we could be Amy Adams right now. The actress hosted… Read Article NEW!
One Direction Performs 'Ready To Run' For The First Time On 'SNL' michael Dec 21 Welcome to New York, One Direction! The boys performed 'Ready To… Read Article 3 One Direction Teases Performance For 'New Year's Rockin' michael Eve' - Watch Dec 17 It's literally a Directioner's dream come true. Get ready to… Read Article 4 One Direction: Are They The Best Boy Band Of All Time? Dec 12 One Direction has been busy promoting their latest album, their Read Article 7 One Direction Confirms Their Upcoming Fifth Album -- Fans Freak Dec 11 Brace yourselves One Direction fans! The boys have just… Read Article 36 One Direction Named Top Artist Of 2014 By Billboard - Fans Freak Out Dec 09 Directioners -- we have huge news for you! One Direction has… Read Article 4

Saturday, December 27, 2014

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3. c wonder
Teasers from One Direction's video for "Steal My Girl" (the song that caused one YouTube commenter to write "OMGGGGGGG IM DIED") have been popping up for weeks now and from the oddest sources , too. Today, to the thrill of Directioners everywhere, the video was finally released c wonder in its entirety. c wonder Let me tell you, it is something .
"We're c wonder about to make the sickest fucking video that any of you have ever experienced in your puny, miserable Simon Cowell-run lives," says Danny DeVito (basically) and shit goes crazy from there.
Here's where I should add that, one hour after the video's release, I received an urgent Gchat from Jezebel alumna Dodai Stewart. "I was just watching the One D video and alarmed by harry's hair," she she said, possibly in a panic.
Do we know what's going on here? Can we know what's going on here? Does Harry Styles maybe want to hang out with me sometime? "Steal My Girl" has presented a lot of questions and very few answers.
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Friday, December 26, 2014

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Latest cd covers Fashion News: New Year's Eve Dresses: SHOP Stylish Outfits For NYE Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → cd covers 0 Khloe Kardashian Flashes Sexy Thigh Tattoo On Christmas Get It Here Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 1 After Christmas Sales 2014: Don't Miss These Great Deals & Steals Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 0 Latest Fashion Photos:
Latest cd covers Beauty cd covers News: Taylor Swift Sports Soft & Sexy, Natural Lips In NYC: SHOP The Look Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 2 Vanessa Hudgens' Classic Red Lip: Get Her Chic Christmas Look Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 0 Kendall Jenner & Gigi Hadid Go Makeup-Free On Christmas Dec 26 Click here to read more Read Article ► → 0 Latest Beauty Photos:
Harry had a dilemma on his hands at the American Music Awards on Nov. 23, when he not only had to face one ex, but two! Taylor and Kendall cd covers were both in the audience, and EXCLUSIVELY learned how the One Direction singer handled the situation.
Harry Styles had quite a night at the American Music Awards on Nov. 23. Aside from being dissed by his ex, Taylor Swift , during her “Blank Space” performance, the One Direction singer also sat in close proximity to both her and his other ex, Kendall cd covers Jenner , during a majority of the show. So awkward!
“ Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift were together most of the night,” an eyewitness tells EXCLUSIVELY, adding, “ Kendall Jenner only hung out with her sisters, Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner , the entire time, even during commercials.”
As previously reported, Harry and Taylor’s only interaction was when she dissed him during her performance . At the end of “Blank Space,” she totally pointed right at Harry! The One Direction singer was then seen looking at his mates and smirking.
Follow @ChrisRogers86 More American Music Awards News: Taylor Swift: See Her Awkward Dancing In The Audience At AMAs 2014 American cd covers Music Award Winners: Taylor Swift, 1D & More Full List Kendall Jenner Spanks Khloe Kardashian s Butt & Disses AMAs
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taylor has no other work then dissing her exes everytime and her new songs all come with the breakup note trying to diss other. Harry is doing GREAT. he is awesome and i love him and one direction <3
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Posted cd covers at 9:09 PM on November 25, 2014   
until I looked at the check four $4972 , I be certain that…my… cd covers neighbour woz realey making money in their spare time at their computer. . there neighbour had bean doing this for only 11 months and recently paid for the mortgage on their house and got a great Peugeot 205 GTi . you could try this out …..//
I watched the AMAs and Taylor didn’t cd covers point at Harry, she didn’t even…get your facts straight and quit making things up please.
This is what I love most about Harry. He asks like a real man; even though there is a grown woman on stage in her 20s acting like a 12 year old. (Wtf is that all about). cd covers I have t give it to Kendall, cd covers at least she doesn’t act like this. Taylor, you are an ok human, but please cash in the reality check and grow up for once. Sorry, if I offened any Swifties! I shouldn’t had, anyways! (:
You said exactly what I have been saying for years! She needs to stop acting cd covers like a child and grow up! Her music sucks anyway! 90% of her fans are under 15! What man would to date her? Only an idiot who wants the world to know about their relationship!
Posted at 9:11 PM on November 25, 2014   
my neighbor s half-sister makes $64 /hr on the internet . She has been out of work for ten months but last month her payment was $17191 just working on the internet for a few hours. see this.. just open it .. its free
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HL, your “exclusives” are meaningless because none of them pan put to be true. Who are your sources? One day you write Harry and Taylor are back together, then legit places say it’s not true, so you turn around and do another story saying why they’re now not speaking to each other or dissing each other. Has anyone from HollywoodLife ever been hired afterwards to work at People magazine or Us Weekly? Yeah, that’s because you’re not legit. Keep the phony stories coming!
Kendall Jenner cd covers & Gigi Hadid Go Makeup-Free On Christmas Dec 26 Christmas day is a day of rest, which meant not putting on… Read Article NEW! Rihanna, Khloe Kardashian & More Celebrate Christmas - Pics Dec 25 It's the most wonderful time of the year! Celebs everywhere took… Read Article 3
Kendall Jenner Vs. Kylie Jenner: Who Wore The Sexy Holiday Dress Better? Dec 25 It was all all-white Christmas for

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

One Direction and Jimmy Fallon Sing "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" With Classroom...

Popular Glee True Blood Teen Wolf Modern Family Vampire Diaries Pretty Little Liars Teen Mom 3 The Voice The Mindy Project Twisted microcenter Switched at Birth American Idol America's Got Talent Dancing With the Stars Keeping Up With the Kardashians Snooki & JWOWW X-Factor The Originals Baby Daddy Real Housewives of Beverly Hills SNL
Demi Lovato was recently asked about the possibility of collaborating with One Direction – and her answer had some 1D fans pretty upset. She explained that she'll probably never work with the One Direction guys, saying, "I focus more on collaborations with people who inspire me...nothing wrong with One Direction." Huh? She's not inspired by 1D? We're not going to lie – it's kind of a bummer. Then again, we can't see a Demi and One Direction collab microcenter ever coming together anyway. And how about working with Ed Sheeran? While they've both talked about it, it seems busy schedules have gotten in the way, with Demi explaining, "I honestly cannot wait, it's just a matter microcenter of timing and working it out." Check out what some 1D fans said about Demi's microcenter comment:
How You Like Me Now?
2015 Color of the Year: Shop Marsala for Under $50
One Direction and Jimmy Fallon Sing "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" With Classroom...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Popular Glee True Blood Teen Wolf Modern Family Vampire Diaries Pretty Little Liars Teen Mom 3 The V

Popular Glee True Blood Teen Wolf Modern Family Vampire Diaries Pretty Little Liars Teen Mom 3 The Voice The Mindy Project Twisted Switched at Birth American Idol America's Got Talent Dancing With the Stars Keeping Up With the Kardashians Snooki & JWOWW X-Factor The Originals Baby Daddy Real Housewives of Beverly Hills SNL
There's been a lot of buzz about Zayn Malik quitting One Direction – it all seemed to ramp up when he didn't make it to the Universal Studios performance but, as we all know, he was sick . Still, that hasn't kept the rumors from swirling that maybe Zayn doesn't want to be part of the band anymore , that he wants to hang out with Perrie Edwards and leave the boyband life behind. As if. Thankfully, the guys were able to deny the latest breakup rumor – and have a laugh too. In an interview with ExtraTV at the AMAs, they were asked about Zayn leaving and Harry Styles laughed, saying, "Oh that's nice and light hearted," adding, "If he is, he's not doing a very good job." Liam Payne joined in, joking, "Yeah he's gone, he's on the next flight." Zayn finally shot down the whole thing, saying, smiths "No, that's the first I've heard of that. I'm here, I'm fine, we're a band, we're a unit." Not that we ever believed this one for a second, but it's good to have their take on it.
Milwaukee One Direction 2015 North American Tour
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It s a four-way fight to the finish! But which of these sporting giants will be first over the line? We check the specs that count in our Canon 7D Mark II vs Canon EOS-1D mybarclaycard X vs Nikon D4s vs Samsung NX1 comparison.
But mybarclaycard do you even need to spend this much money? The new Canon EOS 7D Mark II and Samsung NX1 could change the camera mybarclaycard landscape completely because they can match (or even beat) the big guns for continuous shooting speed but undercut them massively mybarclaycard on price.
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So let s take a closer look at the specifications to see how these four high-speed shooters stack up in our Canon 7D Mark II vs Canon EOS-1D X vs Nikon D4s vs Samsung NX1 comparison (see our Nikon D4S review & Canon EOS 1DX)
SEE MORE Nikon D810 vs Canon EOS 5D Mark III: full-frame DSLRs go head-to-head Nikon D4s vs D4: 14 things you need to know about Nikon’s flagship mybarclaycard DSLR Canon 7D Mark II vs Canon EOS-1D X vs Nikon D4s vs Samsung NX1: 01 Sensor
Canon EOS 7D Mark II: APS-C, 20.2MP Canon EOS-1D X: Full-frame, mybarclaycard 18.1MP Nikon D4s: Full-frame, 16.2MP Samsung NX1: APS-C, 28.2MP It s interesting to see how resolution (megapixels) and sensor size have almost become disconnected.
Canon EOS 7D Mark II: 16,000 (expandable to 51,200) Canon EOS-1D X: 51,200 (expandable to 204,800) Nikon D4s: 25,600 (expandable to 409,600) Samsung NX1: 25,600 (expandable to 51,200) High ISO performance is vital in a camera designed for sports and action, which often takes place in very poor lighting, yet still demands high shutter speeds to capture fast-moving subjects.
Manufacturers quote two ISO figures. These are a maximum standard ISO and a higher equivalent or expanded ISO that delivers higher equivalent sensitivities but does not necessarily meet strict ISO measurements.
The EOS-1D x scores an early victory here with a maximum ISO of 51,200, while the Nikon D4s and Samsung mybarclaycard NX 1 are a stop behind with maximum ISOs of 25,600. The EOS 7D Mark II lags behind mybarclaycard slightly with a maximum of ISO 16,00.
The full-frame cameras have a clear advantage at high ISOs, which you would expect given their larger sensor size, though sensor technology is advancing all the time, and the two APS-C cameras are still delivering ISO settings high enough for all but the most demanding mybarclaycard situations.
Canon EOS 7D Mark II: 65 cross-type sensors/Dual-pixel CMOS AF Canon EOS-1D X: 61 AF points, 41 cross-type Nikon D4s: 51 AF points, 15 cross-type Samsung NX1: 205 phase-detection AF points, 209 contrast-detection points All four of these cameras have highly sophisticated autofocus systems. The EOS 7D Mark II offers the most spectacular stats, with no fewer than 65 cross-type sensors these are much more efficient than the regular sort, and normally you d get just a few.
The Samsung NX1 is not a DSLR, so it doesn t have a conventional phase-detection sensor. Instead it has a hybrid sensor-based system that combines phase-detection and contrast AF points no fewer than 414 in total.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

When it comes to One Direction, there are plenty of lookalikes out there. That said, probably none t

When it comes to One Direction, there are plenty of lookalikes out there. That said, probably none that could look or sound any less like the originals than the aptly named One Direction Tribute Band. Not that that matters in any shape or form as they're still making money doing apppearances as 1D and have even got their own share of hysterical fans.
It's probably important to point out that the lads aren't billing themselves as lookalikes, but as a tribute band. Probably lucky as they couldn't look any less like the originals despite the fact they perform the 1D lads' hits at gigs up and down the country.
"I think the best way to describe it is to say it’s edinburgh zoo like being in a flash mob," David, who is the 'Niall' edinburgh zoo of the band, told the Daily Star. "There’s all this greatness and craziness when you’re on stage and then as soon as you’ve done the meet and greet afterwards - everything goes back to normal.
Getting quite philsophical about his role as a pretend member of 1D, he added: "It’s like you’re famous for a little while and you get the buzz of being on stage - but none of the stresses and pressure - you can just walk down the street edinburgh zoo like a normal guy.’
"The reaction of people when we perform is crazy," Aaron (aka Liam v.2.0) said. "It’s mental - when there are girls crying, they want you to touch their hands and sign their skin - it's a really surreal experience."
From the way that they are failing to light up our world to the way they flick their hair making us feel fairly underwhelmed, we're quite impressed that they're pulling edinburgh zoo this off. That said, they do sound lovely so have a watch and enjoy anyway:
Ben Haenow scoops Christmas Number 1 Single as Ed...
Sadly not as his new dance partner :( By Rachel Pilcher
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Monday, December 22, 2014

It looks like the moral of the story this time around is that the Canon full frame lineup is on the

When it comes to purchasing a Full Frame Canon DSLR you are left with a select few options plus one cropped sensor camera. outlet Canon’s current outlet lineup of Full Frame cameras can be considered to be on the old side. The 1D X , 5D Mark III and 6D all are at the end of their life cycle and should be replaced as we move into 2015.
Is outlet this your first full frame camera or are you upgrading from a current fx camera? What is your budget? Do you already have quality glass? What will you be shooting? Are you a hobbyist or a professional? Are you interested in stills, video or both?
The big question always becomes if you are looking for a Canon Full Frame what should you buy? Should you venture out of full frame into the NEW Canon 7D Mark II or wait for the next generation replacements?
If we take a look at the current lineup you will see that the full frame Canon 6D is priced outlet less than the cropped sensor Canon 7D Mark II. I personally enjoyed using the Canon 6D when it came out a few years back but there were some foibles. One of the issues was that it had only one cross type sensor for auto focus. Where on the flip side the new cropped sensor outlet 7D Mark II has 65 focus points where each one is cross type.
To me full frame is where it’s at for the better low light capability and dynamic range gained with full frame. But if I had to choose between a 7D Mark II or Canon 6D it would be hard to say not to go with the cropped sensor in that case. My ideal camera would have been a 6D Mark II that had more focus points and 8 FPS. But that’s outlet not the case yet and my honest solution right now would be to hold off and not purchase a 6D.
Let’s look at the 5D Mark III now. I consider this to be one of the best all around cameras outlet ever produced by any camera company. Talk about versatility, from weddings, to concerts, to portraits, photojournalism, sports, you name it it can capture it. On top of that the video quality that it offers is insane. Sure it doesn’t do 1080 at 60 FPS just yet but it does everything else video wise and does it well.
Here’s the rub, if you need a new camera today and you are a full time professional this camera would be for you. If you can hold off for a few months I would venture to say a 5D Mark IV will be showing its face in the next few months. I can only imagine how great that camera is going to be when it gets released.
The beast of the bunch is the 1D X , an insane 14 FPS shooting monster. I personally could see using this camera in conjunction with the top of the line glass that Canon offers. I enjoyed shooting this camera when I was testing it out for sports and concerts. It’s probably overkill for most people but for people who need the speed and build quality of a $6,000 camera this one is for you.
With that said this camera is also long in the tooth. outlet It’s a first generation of it’s kind and I would expect it to be replaced in the next few months as well. Like the 5D Mark III replacement I would venture to say whatever replaces the 1D X will be another fantastic camera.
It looks like the moral of the story this time around is that the Canon full frame lineup is on the verge of being replaced. I would rate these cameras as don’t outlet buy unless you absolutely need a body right this second.
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Follow @ChrisRogers86 More One Direction News: Zayn Malik s Sick: How One Direction Is Supporting Hi

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One Direction is everywhere these days! After filming a concert special for NBC in Orlando, Florida, 1D appeared on the Nov. 20 episode of ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live,’ where they took the cutest selfie ever. See it here!
On the heels of their new album, Four’s , release on Nov. 18, One Direction joined Jimmy Kimmel and took an adorable photo together in front of a packed crowd on the Nov. 20 episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live .
Now that Zayn Malik has reunited with Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, and Liam Payne , after catching a “tummy bug” and missing a Today show interview on Nov. 17, they decided it was time to have some fun!
With direction from Jimmy, tanit phoenix the boys took the best — and cutest — selfie ever, featuring kittens, a unicorn, a puppy, twin ballerinas, props and a miniature Harry Styles–lookalike, who happened to be Jimmy’s nephew.
As previously reported, Zayn looked very thin on stage on Nov. 18, an eyewitness tanit phoenix told EXCLUSIVELY. He was shaking on stage and he was the one that lacked the most energy.
Follow @ChrisRogers86 More One Direction News: Zayn Malik s Sick: How One Direction Is Supporting Him Zayn Malik Looks Emaciated Amidst Reports He s Been Sick See Pics Zayn Malik Squashes Solo Rumors: Reunites With One Direction tanit phoenix On Stage
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One Direction Teases Performance For 'New Year's Rockin' Eve' - Watch Dec 17 It's literally a Directioner's dream come true. Get ready to… Read Article 4 One Direction: Are They The Best Boy Band Of All Time? Dec 12 One Direction has been busy promoting their latest album, their Read Article tanit phoenix 5
One Direction Confirms Their Upcoming Fifth Album -- Fans Freak Dec 11 Brace yourselves One Direction fans! The boys have just… Read Article 35 One Direction Named Top Artist Of 2014 By Billboard - Fans Freak Out Dec 09 Directioners -- we have huge news for you! One Direction has… Read Article 3 Meghan Trainor Sings Thanksgiving Carols For Jimmy Kimmel -- Watch Nov 26 Meghan Trainor is ready to brighten up your Thanksgiving! On… Read Article 1 Taylor Swift, Jennifer tanit phoenix Lopez, & More: Backstage & Behind-The-Scenes At The AMAs Nov 24 We all got to see the televised gorgeous red carpet looks, the… Read Article NEW! One Direction Wins Coveted Artist Of The Year Award At The 2014 AMAs Nov 23 And the winner is... One Direction! With 5 powerhouse performers Read Article 4
One Direction Performs Romantic New Single 'Night Changes' At AMAs Nov 23 Swoon alert! The men of One Direction proved just how romantic… Read Article 1 One Direction, Nick Jonas & More Hottest Hunks At The 2014 AMAs Nov 23 While we love our

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Azalea performed her massive hit,

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(AP) — American girls love British boys: One Direction won artist of the year at the American Music Awards, taking home three honors and was the night’s big winner next to Katy Perry, who didn’t attend the show.
“This has been a real perfect day … America feels like a second home to us,” Liam Payne said onstage with his band mates when they won the night’s first award. The group released its new album, “Four,” last week.
Though she was absent she’s on tour in Australia the 2014 AMAs was still jam-packed with star power at the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live. Breakthrough newcomer Iggy Azalea, who was the top nominee with six, won favorite album rap/hip-hop for “The New Classic” and favorite artist rap/hip-hop, taking down rap heavyweights Eminem and Drake.
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Azalea performed her massive hit, “Fancy,” which was nominated for single of the year, as well as her new song, “Beg for It.” Taylor Swift performs on ABC’s “Good Morning America” best buy coupons in Times Square in New York, Oct. 30, 2014. (Photo by Greg Allen/Invision/AP, File)
She was aggressive, grabbing her male dancers by their blazers best buy coupons and singing in character on bended knee when performing her new No. 1 hit, “Blank Space.” She even removed part of her dress to reveal a shimmery, leg-revealing best buy coupons gold number.
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Ariana Grande took the stage to sing lounge-y, piano-versions of her upbeat hits “Problem” and “Break Free.” She followed that with a duet of her latest best buy coupons hit, “Love Me Harder,” with The Weeknd, as Grande’s older brother jumped up in joy, MAGIC! leader Nasir Atweh sang along and Heidi Klum bopped her head.
She returned again to sing “Bang Bang” with Nicki Minaj and Jessie J, who kicked off the song in the crowd. She was rubbing against Khloe Kardashian, singing closely in front of her boyfriend, R&B singer Luke James, and dancing next to Swift and Sam Smith.
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Friday, December 19, 2014

Thought all One Direction fans were the same? Wrong. Oh so wrong. In fact, there's all sorts of cate

Thought all One Direction fans were the same? Wrong. Oh so wrong. In fact, there's all sorts of categories and sub-categories prezzo within the 1D fandom - most of who can be divided into two main camps. Directioners, and 1D af Directioners.
2. Everything you do or see relates to the boys in one way or another (see, you just did it then. You sung that 'one way or another' bit we wrote, didn't you? ADMIT IT.) 3. The words '1D follow spree' strike equal amounts of joy, excitemement and fear into your heart.
13. If someone says the word 'Modest' in a completely non-One Direction related context, you still do a little 'boo, hiss' under your breath.
15. You know the name of all the One Direction family members, friends, friends of friends, and basically anyone that has come in to contact with them ever. In fact, you'd be just as excited with a RT from Gemma Styles as you would Harry.
17. Your mood depends largely on the relationship status of your favourite member. New girlfriend rumours = a dark, dark day. DON'T TALK TO ME MUM I'M GRIEVING. 18. You've pretty much made voting for them in various #MTVHOTTEST type things a full time career.
More From One Direction

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Another highlight is Fools Gold , which has been written by Jamie Scott - the man behind Story Of My

One Direction - FOUR Album Review! pizza express vouchers 1D Are All Grown Up! pizza express vouchers We give our verdict on Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall's fourth studio LP and Directioners, we can confirm, you're in for a treat...
There is literally no stopping One Direction . Following a sell-out world tour and another promised next year, the lads are back with fresh material in the form of their fourth album, appropriately pizza express vouchers titled FOUR .
Following the release of teaser song Fireproof and lead single Steal My Girl , Directioners have been gagging for more 1D goodness, and we can confirm that FOUR, for the time being, will satisfy their needs.
Stand out songs include the Ed Sheeran and Passenger penned track 18 , which is a cutesy pizza express vouchers ballad and typical Sheeran. pizza express vouchers It's almost the follow-up to their No.1 single Little Things pizza express vouchers and will leave girls across the world wishing the lads' were singing about them.
Another highlight is Fools Gold , which has been written by Jamie Scott - the man behind Story Of My Life and You & I . It's a light and fluffy guitar led track, pizza express vouchers very floaty and dreamy - just like 1D.
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - co-written by Harry Styles - is a rock-pop pizza express vouchers inspired pizza express vouchers mid-tempo track, which comes complete with a typically catchy chorus, memorable lyrics and is completely irresistible, a bit like the man himself.
Other worthy mentions include the very twinkly pop track Night Changes - which has been confirmed as the group's next single and from a first listen, wouldn't look out of place on a Taylor Swift album (sorry pizza express vouchers Hazza!).
The insanely catchy, almost anthemic, very fun Girl Almighty - which reminds us of something McFly / McBusted pizza express vouchers would put out - and the almost (we said ALMOS T) Britpop track, No Control , also sees the lads shine.
Spaces - which was co-written by Louis and Liam - feels like 1D's best Oasis impression, while tunes Stockholm Syndrome and Clouds - fall a little flat compared to the much stronger, more sincere tracks.
It is clearly riddled with the lads' own musical influences, pizza express vouchers with them showcasing their own song-writing ability, setting them aside from other X Factor pop puppets - this boyband known how to put together a tune.
With support from a killer team - including pizza express vouchers songwriters Julian Bunetta and John Ryan - we can't see the One Direction bubble bursting anytime soon, in fact, we're pretty pizza express vouchers sure we'll be blowing 1D-shaped bubbles for a long time to come.
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Less than two years after SpaceX began producing the Merlin 1D engines that power the Falcon 9 rocke

Less than two years after SpaceX began producing the Merlin 1D engines that power the Falcon 9 rocket, the 100 th Merlin 1D engine is complete. SpaceX is currently the largest private producer of rocket engines kgb deals in the world. The Merlin 1D is an all-American engine designed and built in-house at SpaceX s headquarters in Hawthorne, kgb deals Calif. Engines are currently manufactured at a rate of four per week, projected kgb deals to rise to five per week by the end of 2014. The production process begins with major engine components injector, turbopump, gas generator, thrust chamber, valves and actuators integrated with tubing, sensors, and other small components to form the major sub-assemblies of the engine. These sub-assemblies are put together to become the engine s lower and upper assembly. Once the lower and upper assemblies are stacked and mated, the engine undergoes a series of quality checks prior to testing. Engines are tested at SpaceX s state-of-the-art Rocket Development Facility spanning kgb deals more than 4,000 acres in McGregor, TX. Once the engine is verified kgb deals to meet design requirements and perform reliably under flight conditions, it is shipped back to California, where it is flight kgb deals configured and integrated into the Falcon kgb deals 9 first stage s octaweb engine structure. The completed stage is then shipped back to Texas for a test firing of all nine engines at once, and then to the appropriate launch site for a final test as part of a full system prior to launch. With the highest thrust-to-weight ratio of any booster engine 155:1 each Merlin 1D engine can lift a weight equivalent to about 40 average cars. Together, the first stage s nine engines kgb deals put out 1.3 million pounds of thrust at sea level, rising to 1.5 million as the first stage climbs out of Earth s atmosphere. The nine engines burn about 540 gallons of propellant per second enough to drain a typical home swimming pool in less than a minute. To date, eighty Merlin 1Ds have launched, exceeding the propulsion heritage of the RS-68/68A engine (41 flown) on the Delta and the RD-180 engine (55 flown) on Atlas variants. The 100th Merlin 1D is slated to fly on a Falcon 9 in early 2015.

Monday, December 15, 2014

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

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ɬѥɢAC / DC / Rock or Bust
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Friday, December 12, 2014

Led Zeppelin etc (55) The Who, Kinks etc (52) Free etc (42) R.Stones, Faces etc (66) Queen, Bowie e

What words '10 day after all AC / DC but also applies to Van Halen what would be perfect for words. Chris Slade of dominating drummer in The Firm is also famous for was doing with Manfred Mann famous person as a session drummer for a long time. Enrolled in Uriah Heep in front of The Farm, and then came to Japan with Gary Moore, and the famous story that you have participated as a drum of AC / DC. It's Wake who participated in the production of "The Razor's Edge", which is also referred to as the return operation of the AC / DC have to hop in. Are also interesting me a place like Zep and AC / DC is become connected by. "The Razor's Edge" of the 1990 release. Pretty shocking riff and from the intro of "Thunderstruck" at the beginning. Have been built in the vertical glue of AC / DC unique in the world brilliantly hard rock that shout echoed in the single notes dancing in the air as if reminiscent "lawless world" of like The Who. Would not it a lot of people that have been knocked out in this song. What people Angus Young is I think really that's really amazing to Rifumeika person. It's abandon song guitar of glue is mainly a good riff me was to "Fire Your Guns" of two songs first ... Ttsu emergence none because such feeling but I guess AC / DC (laughs). I change'm not in that it is a simple and straight rock 'n' roll, stimulating in this work a little unique. While it's given the era What were sold even this is wonder ..., wonder if because I still see LA metal boom. After it was achieved a record of the tour in this "AC / DC Live: Collector's Edition" have come out also live panel that, masterpiece live album here also became ze come mix new and old. Since when did was so Kakkoyoka~tsu me AC / DC? And so had noticed or More recently, this live board "AC libri / DC Live: Collector's Edition" also I have listened well with the split. Well, I thought live I'm none may be listening likes because glue is good. Nde, and also I some of me came back to "The Razor's Edge" of the studio libri panel, I wonder if AC / DC had suits me Chris Slade? ?
Articles Blue Murder - Blue Murder libri AC / DC - The Razor's Edge Cozy Powell - Tilt | HR / HM @ Music | | 2009/03 / 27 | United Kingdom | COM: 4 | TB: 0 | EDIT | C omment
AC / soul of DC even better can you hear here has been passed down to the entire pop of better or worse Australia passed through the album Chris as Dattari libri similar songs none what Slade play in Asia Thunder also was good! | 2014/07/20 | akakad #OEZKBdis URL [EDIT] I want to allow the display only to post Name Subject Mail URL Comment Pass Secret administrator of comments
Table of Contents libri November 28, 2014 update (12/27) Ian McLagan - Troublemaker (12/12) Humble -Pie - Thunderbox (12/11) Lane / Marriott - Majic Mijits (12/10) John Lennon - Mind Games (12 / 09) Bobby Keys - Bobby Keys (12/08) category (developing in click)
Led Zeppelin etc (55) The Who, Kinks etc (52) Free etc (42) R.Stones, Faces etc (66) Queen, Bowie etc (52) Jimi Hendrix, J. Beck (38) Blues Rock (105) Hard Rock (110) Glam Rock (42) British Rock (176) Pop Rock (31) 60s British Rock (63) progressive royal road (98) Crimson, Floyd etc (70) British progressive libri rock (150) Canterbury (57) European Rock (115) Traditional Folk (107) Real Blues (80) White Blues (114) UK Punk (76) US Punk (51) R & R Punk (49) Gothic Metal (150) United Kingdom libri (141) Europe libri (101) German hard (80) America ( 195) Japan (54) 50-60s US Rock (85) US Rock (107) 80-90-00s Rock (91) 80s New Wave (38) 80s Pops (61) Japan of Rock (112) Ireland (52) Fairlies (131) R & B (55) Jazz (50) The Movie (8) Table of Contents (1) Index: ABCDE (1) Index: FGHIJKL (1) Index: MNOPQR (1) Index: STUVWXYZ (1) Index: Japanese libri (1 ) Unclassified (17)
Led Zeppelin etc (55) The Who, Kinks etc (52) Free etc (42) R.Stones, Faces etc (66) Queen, Bowie etc (52) Jimi Hendrix, J. Beck (38) Blues Rock (105) Hard Rock (110) Glam Rock (42) British Rock (176) Pop Rock (31) 60s British Rock (63) progressive royal road (98) Crimson, Floyd etc (70) British progressive rock (150) Canterbury (57) European Rock (115) Traditional Folk (107) Real Blues (80) White Blues (114) UK Punk (76) US Punk (51) R & R Punk (49) Gothic Metal (150) United Kingdom (141) Europe (101) German hard (80) America ( 195) Japan (54) 50-60s US Rock (85) US Rock (107) 80-90-00s Rock (91) 80s New Wave (38) 80s Pops (61) Japan of Rock (112) Ireland (52) Fairlies (131) R & B (55) Jazz (50) The Movie (8) Table of Contents (1) Index: ABCDE (1) Index: FGHIJKL (1) Index: MNOPQR (1) Index: STUVWXYZ (1) Index: Japanese (1 ) Unclassified (17) Latest Comments
Duke Nakajima: Jack Bruce - Harmony libri Row (12/08) tea: Jack Bruce - Harmony Row (12/08) frame: Earth & Fire - Songs Of The Marching Children (11/29) frame: Roy Buchanan - Live In Japan ( 11/29) Please do not look. : Earth & Fire - Songs Of The Marching Children (11/28) Duke Nakajima: Roy Buchanan - Live In Japan (11/22) frame: Imelda May - Tribal (11/22) frame: Jim Campilongo - American Hips (11 / 22) Recent trackback
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Thursday, December 11, 2014

ibgELOER [ Ƃ l A { l ł т Ă A l ɂƂ Ă r őS ʐl ɂȂ Ă l ł B Ȃ킿1940 N g I ƁA50 N ȍ~ | s [ E X ^ [ B ʓI ɑ

ibgELOER [ Ƃ l A { l ł т Ă A l ɂƂ Ă r őS ʐl ɂȂ Ă l ł B Ȃ킿1940 N g I ƁA50 N ȍ~ | s [ E X ^ [ B ʓI ɑ l Ȃ B R [ h I uMona Lisava uUnforgettablev ꂽ x X g Ղ A Ƃ ł Ȃ Ǝv B Ȋ i I j Ƃ ȊÂ x x b g E H C X ʼn グ X ^ _ [ h E i o [ X B j ߌ A X e I E Z b g ߏ ɂ 悤 ɖ 炷 ɂ Ȃ Ȃ A ^ ɖ I Ȃ m Ȃ i b g E L O E R [ B D ꂽ W C E { [ J X g ł A A [Ency ދɂ ď 肢 s A j X g A ăh X v V I g I E X ^ C ł B Ye uStraighten Up And Fly Rightv ɁAƂƂobh uSweet Lorrainev B g I ق Ƃɖ ȃU N U N ŁA l o h Ȃ p [ g [ ɂ Ă Ă B { l ƃs A m f 炵 ł A Ȃ Ƃ Ă I X J [ E [ A M ^ [ B Y ȉ F ƁA A h u ł Ƃ ƍ Ȃ Ă 悤 Ȍ ȃt [ Y B ł D ȃM ^ X g 1 l ł B g I A1946 N9 Ƀ~ E H [ L [ T [ N E [ Ƃ X Ń W I p ɘ^ ꂽ M d ȃ C u ^ A 3 l y 悭 킩 C X g E i o [ ŁA I [ h E X ^ _ [ h uI New Found Baby i j v B q 萺 H G ꍇ A ꊴ Ղ ^ ł A o 悤 ȉ t Ă Ă B Ȃ ɏ f W P b g W I p Ƀ{ [ i X g b N wLIVE AT THE CIRCLE ROOM & Morexim BLB
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UO Seesaa

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In the vicinity of Tsutaya, electronics became your role sorry of ( ...) rental CD, and so was wag

In the vicinity of Tsutaya, electronics became your role sorry of ( ...) rental CD, and so was wagon sale, the "AC / DC" and "Rainbow", and we have bought the album of "Ikimonogakari". None, 300 yen one. 900 yen in three. As soon come back, "Ikimonogakari" is, quickly, because had been discussed daughter, first, to listen to AC / DC. I wonder if I say AC / DC / Back in black, the album this time of age, I'm taking a magic that you'll want to hear through one. Put in coffee, in view of the world to wait of that album, and locked into the hilt, you will want to enjoy properly. If you look at photos of the inside of the jacket, that time, feeling that it was longing to drummer also revived a boiling people. Rainbow / Rising Cozy Powell. At that time, because I was a tremendous popularity. I think, this man, than Tsubasu of Dokodoko, towards the funky song of middle tempo has very becoming. Songs in his solo albums, such song, and glowing mess (Cat moves Toka), and I'm think. If you had said there, it became want to hear Gary Moore. Naa continue to rapidly derailed. Gary Moore and Bruce is an album super cool of. When Gary Moore / Bad for you baby listening to his guitar, something, that "buy Raren would in this way", it is allowed to feel. (Gary Moore, I Of Nikki supposed to be me Kyushu boys doubled.) Cause I hot energy of mass. I always wonder live work? Well, I say. If you come up here, Hey Whitesnake. This before, when he returned to the home, on the street, Hey snake was dead. In coil-winding electronics over, next to the tea plantations. Of course, I was frightened, but, if you look good, beautiful and mysterious creatures. When I was alive, I do not close so much. I ended up staring. To hear a song called Whitesnake / Saints and Sinners Here I Go Again, electronics and cry. It is a song that is in order to cry. And Buhi-Buhi, electronics weeping, however, I also swear to firmly mind to try to practice drawbar out of organ. And then the other, the next of UFO, Doctor ,,,,,,,
December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March February 2014 January 2014 2013 2014 December November October September August July June May 02 May 01 May 12 May 11 May October 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 2011 September 08 May 07 May 06 May 05 May 04 May 03 May 02 May 01 May 12 May 11 May 10 May in September 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011 08 May 04 May 03 May 02 May 01 May December electronics 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 November electronics 2009
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