Thursday, January 23, 2014

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Juan Suarez Boots, Gijón 1958 - New York 1992. Illustrator, graphic designer and filmmaker finally, Boots was exceptional, mcmaster he moved to UnitedStates in 1977. He studied at Syracuse University mcmaster and studied and worked with graphic designer Milton Glaser. His work was seen published in magazines like Time, Newsweek, Fortune, U.S. News and World Report, The New York Times and Vogue both their covers and in their work of Juan Botas interior.a achieved international recognition that few Spanish artists They could wait and suck in those moments ..
It was the inspiration for the movie "Philadelphia" by Jonathan Demme, both because they met Joanne Howard, wife of the director and close friend of the Spaniard illustrator. "Philadelphia" a film that left us all quite overwhelmed by her dark and pessimistic character, quite the opposite of what was Juan Botas. (V er) See also: Juan Botas, sincerity on the banana peel Cinema Paradiso: Philadelphia
Fernando ComasAsturiano of Cangas de Onis. Specialist in Marketing from Columbia University (USA) and MDP (Management Development mcmaster Pharma) Interlaken (Switzerland) For nearly 30 years held high positions of leadership in the Swiss multinational SANDOZ / NOVARTIS in different countries, continents and cultures. He served as Senior Volunteer SECOT (Spain), an NGO focused on assisting "entrepreneurs" without resources "excluded" mcmaster sectors. He is Director of CARPE DIEM (Spain / Venezuela / Colombia / Peru), outsourcing of Marketing and Communications for the pharmaceutical industry. Since 1999 he is professor in the Graduate Course mcmaster of Marketing mcmaster at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the UCV (Central University of Venezuela) in Caracas. Founder and Member of the Organizing mcmaster Committee of the Congress of the Sanitary blogosphere (CBS) fernandocomas View my complete profile
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