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We want to clean up the stairs P, there is a painted pine staircase. I want to paint all white, pizza express but the man is skeptical milling stage white side dirt seem s fast and he is afraid the paint will flake off and that we m paint over very often. S option is staining steps in a dark brown color, while the rest of the stairs is white. But when m well polished paintwork in steps sanded pizza express away? and the stain is fine to use then? Someone who has all white staircase? pizza express How does it work?
We just made it. But there was carpet on the stairs. We had to brush down the stairs. pizza express Used teak colored liquor stains in 2 strkfr we lacquer with matt varnish. I had NEVER painted stairs white anyway ... __________________ T August 04, February 08 and T T August 10.
We have a pine staircase we shall staining. It is ulakket or varnish pizza express is toil away But banister has paint on it. First you must remove it with a paint and varnish remover, it is relatively easy. S brushing the sand paper, first a coarse and a fine s and s yes s I have not gone further. Would like to see before and after pictures of their stairs. It does not paint it white IVRT house! __________________ I really wish I were suffering pizza express from "good girl syndrome" Fjottleif 2006 Petunia 2008 King Kong, Aug 2012
Shall soon redecorate my stairs, and then I thought staining steps with two strk Jotun interirbeis coal black, with a matt varnish strk up. The color you see here: Fire The rest of the steps (Stair risers states that?) To be painted in the same white color as the wall. Turning the steps I intend putting away, do not think I can f it s smooth and clean itself, since it is quite nedgtt at the center. __________________
Join Date: Oct 2006 Where: Bod Posts: 3755
Had bent pine staircase is painted egg white. It was really nice bent, s daylights out. I have painted the steps in the same color as the rest of the stairs. In the house there is a syvring, two dogs and three cats LPs up and down. Step adhere very nice, and I did not think it needs a lot of cleaning. Sinks stairs a few times a week. Stvsuger once more about. __________________ Angelique
m le bit of definition on your much cleaning Angelique. Three times vacuuming + twice wash is a lot to me! __________________ I really wish I were suffering from "good pizza express girl syndrome" Fjottleif 2006 Petunia 2008 King Kong, Aug 2012
ღ ღ AnGeL ღ Earth
We have white staircase, got it fixed this summer. Was a bit skeptical about having the white, but think it gr exceptional. Has a son there 2 in 1 stvsuger, which is very easy harrow over with.
We mellomgr pizza express staircase. The steps are gray and the rest are white. I imagine that dust and muck seems almost as good at Mrkt tree on white. Vr staircase br stvsuges every week, but it is not a crisis if it is not converted. __________________ SE & O.
White staircase may well work? A friend of mine painted stairs white for at least four years ago, and it looks just fine out yet. N is the stairs from the living room to the attic (bedroom and bathroom up there), s it is not used with shoes on then. But they have children (and children's pizza express friends) who ran up and down there all the time. She also glued on a few stripes "slip" at each step. Looks like blank tape only. __________________ A joik day scare away the dragon
I plastered a 35 years old pine staircase last year. It was painted with btlakk, so I spent some time (ie approximately one day) p brushing away the paint on the steps. I used a small grinder for this. Mounted on stvsugeren p sander so we got away the dust. After having polished off the paint, I washed the steps well. Then I painted what was to be white (ie stringers, risers and railing balusters). Ranked # the white was perfectly pizza express dry, I stained the steps and the worst part of the railing with dark brown liquor pizza express stains. Then all details lacquered brown 4 strk with satin varnish. pizza express The result was awesome. It was not s much work as we had envisaged in advance.
I sanded and cleaned pizza express as best, and painted the stairs as before was painted pine albumin. I was sick before I was finished, and the stairs are not painted with the same number strk everywhere. And there are several dents and flaking on the steps. And muck seems extremely good. I regret, but can not bear to start on a new round. I used another paint that was spesiallt use on floor, that it should be strong. Oxana was called. pizza express __________________ 00-02-04-04 - 11
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