"Then folk, due to war, famine, disease, victims of landslides, officials were harassed ... born superstitions, such as rumors appear to have a dead body but not subject to Sweating name is Mr. Committee fatal type. Everybody should believe the street or in crowded places borders no one dared to open his mouth, even people still hide all my thoughts for fear Mr. Committee according to the . "
I tried to joke to dispel gloom atmosphere made out in her voice. I continued and she wants me to do. She completely ignored, even have the sense to give me ease. But I realize is not fixable anymore. Everything was extinguished, have been destroyed. She's only a body without a soul, cold and emotionless. If any dare eat away would be extremely humiliating, extremely borders impatient and leering.
Stiff to me pale as corpses. I just want to tan washes off. Then she noticed the danger of the situation she has created. She frantically to prove to me that she loves me, and I determined to go to the end of life. That, perhaps due to her first overstretched, please forgive her, give her some time. I totally believed her feelings but felt spectacular against her excuses. A dull pain but devastating pang in my heart. borders Looks like somewhere in us both being leaked drop of blood from a wound of humiliation will never be healthy again. The remaining time we seek solace together, but just found it bland, somehow borders false.
We do not say goodbye but permanently strangers. I fall into a state of melancholy take some time during her life is always in his guilt was scrutiny from the inside out. Instead inspiration ago I was in a relationship which I also despise not know against whom. Finally, in retaliation for her and frees her, I decided borders to take the time to learn thoroughly about the person whose name is always called Ban and Mr. Board respectfully and fully alert. I discovered a strange thing is scary because it is the day to remind Mr. Day. Board, as directed by Mr.. Board, like her, not even once saw many, not seen him live presentations. Maybe those sat on the bus with my dad yesterday and never had the good fortune to meet Mr. Board. But every word, every indication of Mr. Board is almost everyone knows by heart. Mr. Ban said this, Mr disposal. Board, not to Mr. Board temper, Mr. Ban, do not want change, Mr. You do not like it, Mr. Board not to allow Mr. Ban called ... These words into her mouth I hear every day, wherever one intends to do something, change something to discuss ... You can read will wonder borders why I did not ask anyone of those mentioned Mr daily. Board that the Board's name is he who, that, so just ask on the spot, will know who he is right reason to hard on themselves? But if we do that, people will look at me nh a dumb animal, to Mr. Still do not know who you are then doing something again. And it seems everyone has an implicit contract, which is considered the question of blasphemy, a style that Pham Huy who suffer deserve to be cursed. Even mentioning his name is not arbitrary, not Sam So attitude is also adhered very seriously. And so I can only ask myself borders alone, that Mr. Board who he respected, revered, feared so much? But I do not know how to satisfy that question. It is true that on occasion my agency sent me to a cattle ranch is problematic in terms of complaints. I need to gather specific data about the reaction of those who suppressed their time is not enough to light a incident. Upset their voices dominate the words eat as well as how their actions to consequences, morally and socially. Price including our relationship is not broken, she will definitely be watching over me go by. She is also interested in exploring the psychological crowd before the collective memory hidden.
These days I go she goes somewhere. We have completely lost touch with each other despite sitting next day as well between us is Mr. Board as I once joked she and her silence made me feel like I was not kidding makers. Cattle camp I do not need to know. And if I need it, I can answer: They breed cows. But many years of breeding cows that were not needed anymore. However, the breeding station just to survive and they turn to ducks, turtle breeding and some waiting for the paid holiday. So this happened it leads to abuse complaints. I see his hand when the station chief was sitting eating pudding and pig heart lively talk about some topic. He red concave mouth, borders occasionally spitting out a deep basil stalks washed clean not down right underneath the seat
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