Sunday, November 9, 2014

They Hólmgǫngu-Hani kvǭmu to land at Hvalsey in Shetland, and lǫgðu a harbor. There vas dose on sho

XXXV. Chapter: From feast on Whale Island | Tattúínárdǿla story
They Hólmgǫngu-Hani kvǭmu to land at Hvalsey in Shetland, and lǫgðu a harbor. There vas dose on shore Earl saw es es named Villard. Es but he heard that the Vikings vǭru come to land, he sent to meet them on this errand know hvárz they wanted peace or war. But the messengers vǭru come to a meeting Hólmgǫngu-Hana with their errand, he said, that they would not infested, said that the vas no need to go there and fight against war, said that there vas land not wealthy. He said, too, that he had come by Artur Dítússon, one Irish, and see that good man knew how they could spend it Brezhoneg herskipit, es called Death Star.
The messengers returned to the earl, and sǫgðu his errand. But es earl knew that these Vikings vǭru enemies Falfaðins king and wanted to play his kingdom, the disk glad it because at sign he hated Falfaðin and his soldiers, they fought es opt Shetland. Then he rode down etki team to meet with the Vikings. at sign But they fundusk at sign es, all went well rǿður them. Jarl commanded Hólmgǫngu-Hana to feast with him and his people.
But before the tables were removed, the earl said, that they should cast lots to drink together man and woman, so as to ynnisk, but they themselves, would be more es. Men bǭru then their cloak, and the Earl. Earl had a daughter. So the lot decreed that LUKR should at sign sit by her for the evening. She went UMB floor and amusement. LUKR stood up and went to the place, es daughter of the earl had sat UMB day. But es men skipuðusk at sign their seats, then the earl's daughter at her place. She said:
But the king's daughter at sign Leia said Earl Wild profitable, "is hlýtið that submission at sign of this feast, sir, and talk with Arthur, the man Irish, the EU knows how we might spend Dauðastjǫrnu. at sign It es me suspect that this ship has followed us Higa. "
Fishing stood in the door outside the broad es Tarka Stórmofsjarl came to him. "Are you sure, Hunted" said Tark Stórmofsjarl, "thou hast delivered accompanied at sign spells right over their ships? Ella es Sailing ábyrgðarráð see. "" Yeah sure hefik correctly rendered galdrinn, "said Hunting," Ok hefik learned already at enemies órir felask fur around the Shetland Mainland, the smǭ island which is called es Hvalsey. We now Bum journey þagat, after that that we sǫmnum large army of Falfaðins lǫndum King of Ireland. "
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Chapter 34: Concerning the Sea Battle Aboard at sign the Falcon
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