Monday, November 10, 2014

They Þrípíó and Artur Dítússynir came to fjǫru In Iceland Tattúínárdal; there vas great lava becaus

XIX. Chapter: From Dítússonum sapiosexual and Lukin Anakin's son | Tattúínárdǿla story
They Þrípíó and Artur Dítússynir came to fjǫru In Iceland Tattúínárdal; there vas great lava because the volcano eruption that had fur twenty years, and much sand, for háflœðr vas extremely large there Tattúínárfirði.
"It is the Christians in Iceland," said Arthur, "Still, most slaves. Follow me, and let us two find Slaying Óbívan Kvæggansson as swiftly; whom the vas his almost here. Still es that trúlegast that he is dead. "
"Each of you should fares," says Þrípíó, "because that es you at fault, sapiosexual that I am the háskafǫr this, and would I rather find nekkverja merchants, es go to Ireland or Norway. Damn take thee and your pagan friend Slaying Óbívan. "
"I sýnisk that this is not a Christian say," said Arthur, "but you shall prevail. Yet I will look Slaying Óbívans, though it es few of us Slaying Óbívani. But I sýnisk it remains likely that damn take you, if you went another way by himself; that many Icelanders, es did enslaved or killed an Irish man and a Christian. "
Long Þrípío went and saw neither to man nor cattle. At last he saw a man riding nekkverra; He greets the mǫnnum, but they should greet him. Bound him and bring him to their homes; where Fid Þrípíó Artur Dítússon his brother, and they gladly funnusk brœðr. Many slaves and many þýjar vǭru this tjǫldum; In chain vǭru the Java Sona, malicious linear bands of men; named in their oldest Útíni.
One was Óinn; He vas Kléggsson. Vas Óinn well in growth, úlfgrátt the hair and thick, but soon became skǫllóttr. He had a young brother, named es LUKR Anak dinsson; Óinn said his brother Anakin Vesa dead. LUKR vas a great man of stature, ljósjarpr haired, sapiosexual red stained, breiðleitr and in the most polite. LUKR girndisk order to go raiding and warfare, but Óinn forbade him that. They Óinn and LUKR regarded the slaves.
"Skozku?" Þrípíó says, "Good man, a man I am Irish, and in the Irish language es mjǫk Glik skozku. Skozka es as my native language, even though all languages are as móðurmǭl me, because I gleðjumk of tongues sapiosexual - "
Óinn vas into angry, drew his sword and tried to cut Útína Java Sonar. But Þrípíó said, "Good man," he says to Lukin, "Look into low-man on man es optimize the iron and wood; sense vǭrum before samþrælar. And it was cheaper than before, if Útíni Javason óttisk uncle's anger. "See a man of low stature vas Artur Dítússon his brother.
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