Thursday, September 11, 2014

Current Physics describes the universe all the matter the kooples and energy is only 5%. The putati

CMS and LHCb data undermine the theory of supersymmetry: FYYSIKA.EE news portal
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July 25 morning, said Tara Shears of Liverpool University professor that his team has identified a data flow accelerator rare B s meson decay. the kooples Also reflected in the new CERN's public website (read here). "We the kooples got the standard model of particle yet another confirmation," said Shears.
B s meson decay müüonpaariks LHCb is already found in the previous autumn. Now, however, was the result of last year's LHCb and CMS (Compact the kooples Muon Solenoid) experiment re-confirmation. Discoveries have far-reaching effects. the kooples In particular, it provides a shock to those who fervently believe in the theory of supersymmetry. On the other hand, a single theory of weathering that nature has to describe a second, improved model.
Current Physics describes the universe all the matter the kooples and energy is only 5%. The putative dark matter accounts for 25% of the ignorance of turn. It is believed that the substance consists of a dark supersymmetric particles.
"The discovery is overwhelming," said the professor of the Department of Physics, University of Liverpool Shears. "We recognize now that supersymmetry theory is not perfect. The data found in extremely rare lagunemisahel gives references to the same physics that could fill knowledge gaps. Supersymmetry is not still an experimental confirmation. However, the theory can not be completely ruled out, because this is a special version number. But these interests, we wholesale the most popular options ruled out. We know that the need to find new physics, but that is more important than bizarre. "
Particle Standard Model predicts that CMS and LHCb experiments followed mesonlagunemine the kooples are extremely rare event that occurs only in three impacted billion. It would be right for supersymmetry, the decay can be substantially more likely to take place or not at all.
LHC will be hundreds of millions of collisions per second, the kooples which occurs hundreds of new particles. Automatic filters passed the data is stored digitally. We might even say that CERN physicists work consists largely diligently andmetuhlamises. B s müüonlagunemise onto the trawl through the two years of data, which stored in the trillions of collisions.
"B s meson decay signal is very weak. As the VELO detector the kooples prootonkiirele so close to it. Small signal searching the kooples for industry visits an incredibly large amounts of data and requires hard work. In addition, there must be very precise measuring apparatus. This work will VELO ränidetektor the kooples which Liverpool physicists invented and built it later, "said the kooples Shears.
It is not, however, the theory the kooples of supersymmetry ending, because, as mentioned, this is a large number of versions. So it is always possible to choose the kooples one piece of the theory that fits the data. However, it must be considered that the newly discovered Higgs boson mass is significantly higher ennusatust theory of supersymmetry. Thus, the results of matching teooriasõlmedesse lose the original idea of supersymmetry, which is a description of a physical nature.
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