Sunday, September 14, 2014

I-KamLAND data suggest 20 TW is more than predicted by the model of BSE TW 16, but fits within an e

Half of the Earth's thermal radiation are radioactive Origin: FYYSIKA.EE news portal deal
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Nearly 50% of the heat emitted from Earth comes from radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium, decomposition. In reaching this conclusion International Japan-based KamLAND (read here) detector team physicists analyzed the results.
Earth's internal lagunemisprotsessidest flow measuring device from the antineutrino data with previous radioactive thermal radiation in good agreement deal with theory. The results deal make it possible to develop a model of the processes Maas due to the heat.
According deal to the theories deal of Geophysics deal spreads the heat of Earth's interior space without performing 44 TW (terawatt, 10 12 W, or Joules per second). To date, it is not clear from the time of Earth's formation and radioactive laguprotsessidest from heat ratio.
The most popular of radioactive geo-thermal radiation theory is based on the solid silicate Earth (bulk silicate Earth, BSE) model, in which are found mainly in the radioactive elements in the lithosphere and mantle, but not in the nucleus. BSE model allows to investigate the Earth's rocks and meteorites from the interior of the radioactive material present in the distribution.
Modelling of relying on the findings of the scientists believe that about 20 TW comes from the heat emitted from radioactive sources, which occurs deal 8 TW lagunemisahelast uranium-238, thorium-232 8 TW 4 and TW lagunemisahelast decay of potassium-40. The researchers said fortunately there is decay antielektron-neutrinos, which can easily pass through the earth, and is thereby demonstrated. Decay Measurement
In 2005, scientists announced KamLAND-i that has registered 22 "geoneutriinot" (geoneutrino). It has now been captured in a rare 111 particles. The newer and older data summary analysis has concluded that the origin of the heat flux is indeed 20 TW extent of radioactive origin. Faulty valued around 8 TW. KamLAND can not identify the isotope deal potassium-40 at lower energies, antineutrino, but the researchers believe the model can be found in TW 4 the size of the place.
I-KamLAND data suggest 20 TW is more than predicted by the model of BSE TW 16, but fits within an error of less than 44 and the total flow of the TW. "We can be sure that heat radiation from the earth can not be derived from the radioactive decay alone. The rest of the origin of the radiation is still unclear, "describes the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in California worker Stuart Freeman.
One theory is that the Earth's past, pondered the interior of a natural nuclear reactor, which releases heat from the degradation of heavy nuclei. KamLAND's data do not rule out this theory, but it sets the upper limit of the energy from nuclear reaction 5 TW. Õlitäidisega ball
KamLAND detector is nearly 1,000 tons of high-dimensional spherical chamber filled with mineral oil, which is surrounded by more than 1,800 photomultiplier tube. In order to prevent cosmic rays from entering the unit intensifiers located deep in the ground in one of Japan's mining region.
The neutrino recapture is a very rare phenomenon in which the particle responds to some of the oil present in a proton. Proton and neutrino collision leads to a neutron and positron. Positron hit the oil particles and causes excitation light at (scintillation). Then, some is absorbed by an electron positron - is formed by two gammafootonit. The resulting image intensifiers valgussähvatus is detectable. Analyzing the amount of light is able to provide an assessment of the initial neutrino energy.
The neutrino neutron is absorbed deal by the reaction occurred deal within a short period of deuterium (a reaction chamber surrounded Chernenkovi detector - translator's note) atoms, culminating gammakvantide release, which is also recognizable image intensifiers. Two reaction time allows to distinguish between internal and scintillation Land foonkiirgusest from between the neutrino.
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