Monday, September 8, 2014

The most important effect of making the invisible, the metal and the semiconductor range of fine-tu

Prepared by the invisible photodetector: arbys FYYSIKA.EE news portal
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Stanford and the University of Pennsylvania researchers, arbys the study revealed that, contrary to intuition, the surface of a reflective metallic coating to reduce its visibility. The researchers developed a new technology using Light detector unseen.
Pengyu Fan authored completed a new device is described in an article published in the May issue of the scientific journal Nature Photonics. Fan is a doctoral student in materials science at Stanford University, who is responsible for the author's article, Professor Mark Brongersma workgroup.
Light detection is not a complicated process. arbys On silicon is formed by the action of light falling on a photo stream, which can be measured. A similar phenomenon occurs, arbys for example, a solar panel and fotodetektorites. Stanford device, however, is mixed, because it uses a unique technology called plasmoniliseks shielding (plasmonic cloaking).
Plasmoonika explores arbys the interaction of light metal nanostructures. The main investigative branch of science, and the metal surface of the small coil driver ostsileerivate eletrivoolude generation, which in turn will cause the scattered light waves.
Üdiks detector is a thin gold film encapsulated silicon nanowires. The relative amounts of silicon metal and the fine adjustments arose from two destructive interference of light reflected from the surface, allowing the photodetector invisible.
Metals and semi-based leader of the light waves cause both positive and negative charge carriers spatial segregation, which in turn leads to the formation dipoolmomendi. The goal is to create kulladipool, which is dipoolmomendi in terms of equal and opposite character ränidipoolile. So dipoolmomendid cancel each other and the system as a whole becomes invisible.
"We arbys discovered that the gold coating significantly alters the optical silicon nanojuhtme kostet," said Fan. "The light is caught in a wire decreases fourfold, but the scatter increases in up to 100 times, making the device goes from being invisible."
Engineers showed that the surface plasmon screening is not limited to optical wavelengths, arbys but is effective in significantly broader spectrum of interests. The effect is independent of the angles of light, shape and spatial arrangement of nanowires inside the unit. Furthermore, it was shown that other metals which are commonly used in computer chips, such as aluminum and copper, under the experimental work was as effective as the gold.
The most important effect of making the invisible, the metal and the semiconductor range of fine-tuning. arbys "If the dipoles properly disoriented, and greatly decreases of screen may disappear altogether," said Fan. "Keeping a proportion of nanoscale materials is essential for obtaining maximum shielding."
In the future, hoping to find the application engineers deketorile häälestatavates metal pooljuhtseadmetes, solar panels, sensors, tahkisvalgustites, kiiplaserites and other high-tech applications.
For example, digital cameras and imaging systems capable of complex plasmoniliselt shielded pixels are reduced due to the surrounding noise, which causes image blur. Thus, technology may be the future of technology to achieve a sharper and more detailed photo.
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