Thursday, October 30, 2014


La Policia de Reikiavik Ciudad editorial de Islandia, Tiene un Instagram y es la Raja. Pero de verdad. Y es que la vida suele ser tan piolt but Lugar dicho, que los paquíticos, aprovechan sacarse de fotos y divertidas postearlas than Instagram. Actual Mente Tienen más de 100,000 seguidores y su Tupolev ha Sidon comentada but diversos Medio internacionales. Aquila tea dejamos recopilación una de las mejores fotos de su Notable Tupolev de Instagram.
I'm lost. Despite strict interrogation he gave neither the name nor address. editorial Do you know where he is at home?
We got the police except to our vocation in night shift. We taught editorial her to self-police. * A police student went on a ride along with us on the night shift. We taught the army how to take of a copselfie. * #copselfie #gym #police
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Hord aðstoðarlögreglustjóri Egil Chief Superintendent brought lulls cop teddy bear gifts and they were a big teddy bear hugs. Lull in the watch on Christmas with us. Remember to be nice to everyone around us and grateful for the gifts. ps.muna hug grandparents #LRH # teddy bear hugs #logreglan
Lull waiting excited. Remember to relax and have fun. Give us a few minutes to think about our people and if anyone is being overlooked. One phone call and greeting is often more valuable than all the world's gold. Lulls cop Teddy sends hugs to all !! #logreglan #lulliloggubangsi #logguknus
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Por: The Online Clinic 24 Octubre, 2014 comentario Photo: Youtube
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