Wednesday, October 22, 2014

In the wilderness of the Bialowieza Forest, where even the bison did not descend, let alone a touri

Let's go back however many years. From an early age I were concerned about the good of the Fatherland, board whether in kindergarten, board in school as a trump, and then scout indulged homeland what is most important. The heart and the mind. On the marches of May 1 superiority in the first rank amongst board colleagues always vigilant, noting when I saw the nucleus of any attempt on the Polish People's Republic. Lifelong loyal Party and People's Poland. When General has decided to relinquish power in democratic board elections Nation already knew that coming for me and people like me "Sons of the Fatherland" difficult time intensive monitoring of the implementation of democracy board in the immature to the public. At the very beginning board of the mission delegated to me as a guardian angel, as it turned out, not without reason, to work with the emerging Polish right wing. The nearly 22 years of hard work, however, did not go in vain. Along the way I discovered a lot of terrible things, terrible acts perpetrated by the so-called., Not without reason, "Kaczyści". board It is time, high time to reveal the truth, when the enemy is already gates. Readers frail please ingestion of a double daily dose of medication, at least liter or the equivalent in the form of wine or beer.
Nobody in their right mind does not negate the evil and vile intentions kaczystów under the sign of the PiS. I can not believe, however, is what they are capable of. How devious plans have as many years in private offices make up the criminal army, army ready for a wave of chief go to the most unimaginable acts, even to crime.
Crimes on a healthy social fabric which beyond doubt is the OP and his electorate and friends in cities and RURAL, as well as independent media. The PiS strategists computers are designed for scenarios that do not dreamed Nostradamusowi. Poland is not their ultimate goal. They're in their madness and hatred, which are their daily nourishment want to make the Mother Earth its Wolskie Kingdom. They are ready to defile board everything, Patriotism, Homeland, Solidarity if only to achieve your goal and realize his sick visions Chief, dates back even after religion. There, looking ready for anything fanatics. You can not deny them professional, amateur militias will be supported by professionals - mercenaries. Those for the annuity payment, and the Law and Justice party aferałów is nothing to pay, these mercenaries are as great a threat as a number of members of the totalitarian and anti-system party. For this purpose, at the instigation board and advice tested in overthrowing the young democracies of agents and advisors special services created years ago in different parts of the world, most recently in Poland Training Camps Al Qachydy (read Al Kaczydy).
In exposing board the health and life through years of camouflage I moved to the very heart of darkness. The main training camp situated in the beating heart Polish, in the Bialowieza National board Park. Only a miracle escaped zdekonspirowania and thus can give you the time and describe what is going on and perhaps thereby save such a beautiful, peaceful and rich Poland that we have today, thanks to the tenacious, selfless sacrifices and complete the work of our beloved Because board of All Measures and Despite all Leaders - Let The Middle's detention will be.
In the wilderness of the Bialowieza Forest, where even the bison did not descend, let alone a tourist, there is a modern board training center hidden under bobrzymi żeremiami, Kaczystowski Training Centre them. Roman Dmowski. There, using both traditional and modern methods is trained elite created to fight the legal authority and democracy. In the forest, the mountains, the earth and the sky, with computers and Gameboyach and other techniques cudeńkach learn how to effectively neutralize the enemy, how to manipulate, how to deprive the sole and legitimate views as of right and innocent Poles make "Poison Pisior" able to knock down his hateful venom thickest beast, though individual with index 3 - 5 MegaKaliszy.
In all parishes, there are special cells that are somehow foundation "mohair Brigades". It is not difficult to guess their names, the wheels Rosary. There, under the guise of prayer seemingly innocuous old ladies in their nice of mohair berets hide the most terrible weapons. From friendly Farmers' Wives in exchange for eternal indulgence receive a specially reworked flails, those deprived of handle dimension beret are sewn in mohair berets. Made of steel noblest provided by nationalists from Scandinavia withstand every wash, even on the street. The Zero Hour used by ruthless and cruel, devoid of feelings and conscience of members of mohair Brigades them. Beata Kempa are able to pierce any shield or a bulletproof vest and hard to hurt the enemy PiS. Hi Brigades board members mohair creates an elite group of them. Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin. The one throw cepnym beret shear few heads at once. They are designed for fighting

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