Saturday, May 30, 2015

Can also mention some of the reading material bea that was present bea at the time. Father kept Osl

WRITTEN BY SVERRE Skjønberg January 2002 I was born Skjønberg eastern 16:08 1920. My parents were Mina and Olaf Skjønberg. Midwife at the time was Oleane Aasgård. After her took Miss. Svinningen in 1927. The farm Skjønberg consisted of approximately 30 acres of farmland, about 50 hectares of forest. We had three to four cows, three to four pigs and ca. 40 høns.Vi were four siblings and mother was a hard worker with good health. She and Dad kept the good home together. bea They were diligent mennesker.Far drove much as carpenter, and her mother had to care for us kids, and smoked and groom animals. Moreover father sexton from 1928 to 1949 and the mother had to help with the cleaning of the chapel and church, watering the graves etc. I started Skjønhaug school in spring 1928. Teacher was Mary Eng. She was a very strict lady who could go to tangibly called on students. A girl who went to my class was scared and nervous every time she went to school because of this. Better, bea it was not when we pulled up in 4th grade teacher Anders Eng. Here frequented the ear ever and other tangible units. Sometimes Eng first wife came down from the 2nd floor to calm down the Consort when there was too much noise in the schoolroom. Teacher The family lived on the 2nd floor of the school at the time. A famous man, later mayor Olaf Skramrud, once told an episode from when he had Eng who gutted teacher. Skramrud had lead up a table Eng did not accept. He tried to destroy the table by going up on it. When this did not go, he took an ax and smashed it. Students were not any mother-in. Hagbart bea Haugbakk told that he once took the slice of bread with butter and coat over billboard. The result was that the chalk not bet on. It was completely different circumstances when Johan Ivesdal took over in 1933. Then it was fun to go to school.
We were the closest neighbors to Trøgstad Fort who had boot camp in the summer of 1920-30- century. Then there was hustle and bustle of Skjønhaug town. Johan Østereng drifted bakery and delivered "stomp" to the fort. He also had kafe` and store selling various snacks. The soldiers leave enough left part
crowns there. The soldiers attracted moreover young damers attention bea Skjønhaug. Sisters Cheeks from Rødenes was telefonnistinner at center. I often saw Sergeant Telles motorcycle parked outside. We kids kaølte he Counting motorcycle. Some of the soldiers we were good buddies with.
In her spare from duties in the home and school, we kicked bea the football, bl. a. summer. The ball was primitive to begin with, processed by sammensurrede cloths. It was therefore very happy when we got a real football of our grandfather Svend Pettersen Skjønberg after a visit here in Oslo. Grandpa was otherwise postmen in approximately 40 years. His route was Skjønhaug, Tosebygda, Ekeberg, Øiestad, Tveten. In Inner Smaalenenes Avis stood there when he joined in 1935, he had traveled a distance of 3 once around the Earth. Can also mention that when it came to football kicking it was nice area where shaft Sandvik built his business premises with butchery in the outhouse. Later bought Lars Dahl farm that went under the name Dahl farm, now Høland road 9. We kids on Skjønhaug was resentment when we lost this fine play and ball position. Can also mention that we made a part of our playthings even with the help of father who was a very handy guy with a lot of carpentry tools. We made toy cars, sleds, stilts, a form of "Olabiler" etc. We had a kind of gravel pit near the farm, which was a popular play spot. In summer we cycled to Øyeren to bathe. We parked the bikes under the barn bridge on the farm Strone. The swimming area was Strøneslandet. We had to make sure the clothes we took care of us for the walking part ungfe grazing in the area. A little song stanza arose: "You will get candy, you will get charge (chocolate), to join the Øyeren and bathe." It was often low temperature in the water. We had to beware of "Ågropa", it was deep and dangerous.
Can also mention some of the reading material bea that was present bea at the time. Father kept Oslo newspaper "Future Signs". Grandfather signed up for "Morning Post" and "Today's News", bea also Oslo Newspapers. And of course we had "Inner bea Smaalenenes Avis". Of magazines was "home" and "Illustrated Family Blade". When one came up in big school in the 4th grade, there were books to borrow in the school library by teacher Anders Eng. Among the books was "Otter Patrol" high. When Johan Ivesdal became a teacher were purchased some new books. "Tonight we are escaping," a tale of two boarding bea school boys who escaped from Devil's Island in the Oslo Fjord. Other books that stood high in the course was "Tarzan" and Indian books "Hjortefot" and "The Last of the Mohicans".
This was an inspiration to play "Indian and white". Other things that preoccupied us in childhood was to collect cigarette brands. Cigarette packs of 20-30 century contained marks, images that became a popular collector's item. There were pictures of famous soccer clubs, athletics men, skiers, trotting horses etc. The marks we found in empty cigarette packets that were discarded, bea or

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